Browsing Αρχείο Ελληνικής Παραδοσιακής Μουσικής "Δημήτρης Θέμελης" = Archives of Greek Traditional Music "Dimitris Themelis" by Title
Now showing items 34-53 of 94
Η αμπελοκουτσούρα.
(2016-06-08)"The Grapevine" is one of the most characteristic of the island's folk songs. The text is a hymn to the grapevine and the wine it yields. This is only natural, for the vine has been associated with Ikaria since antiquity, ... -
Η Έλλη θέλει σκότωμα.
(2016-06-08)This song, which obviously originated in Asia Minor, is strophic in composition. Each verse is in the form of a rhyming couplet in fifteen syllable iambic meter, followed by a thirteen syllable refrain in a contrasting ... -
Ήθελα να' ρθω το βράδυ.
(2016-06-02) -
Ηφάς αρνί κι ηρνήθης με.
(2016-06-08)The text of this love song with its characteristic refrain is in local Ikarian dialect. In each verse the melody covers a rhyming couplet in fifteen syllable iambic meter, followed by a refrain. Other characteristic ... -
Ικαριώτικος "Ευδηλιώτικος"
(2016-06-09)This dance, with its duple (2/4) rhythm, is a type of syrtos. It is the dance most characteristic of the island, and each locality has its own variation. Indeed, each individual instrumentalist plays his own version. With ... -
Ικαριώτικος "Τσαμούρικος" ή "Πειραματικός".
(2016-06-09)This dance, with its duple (2/4) rhythm, is a type of syrtos. It is the dance most characteristic of the island, and each locality has its own variation. Indeed, each individual instrumentalist plays his own version. With ... -
Ικαριώτικος (βιολί).
(2016-06-09)This dance, with its duple (2/4) rhythm, is a type of syrtos. It is the dance most characteristic of the island, and each locality has its own variation. Indeed, each individual instrumentalist plays his own version. With ... -
Κάλαντα Πρωτοχρονιάς.
(2016-06-09)This New Year's carol is strophic in composition. The basic melody is repeated for each iambic heptameter line, but each time with a wealth of ornamentation in a very Byzantine style. -
Κάτω στης Χάϊδως τα νησιά.
(2017-12-20) -
Κάτω στης Χάϊδως τα νησιά.
(2017-12-20) -
Καγκελευτός χορός.
(2016-11-29) -
(2016-06-09)This dance, with its duple (2/4) rhythm, is a type of syrtos. It is the dance most characteristic of the island, and each locality has its own variation. Indeed, each individual instrumentalist plays his own version. With ... -
Κορασινή τραγούδησε
(2017-12-06) -
Κυπαρισσάκι μου ψηλό, τι στέκεις μαραμένο.
(2016-05-19) -
Μαν' αργυρό κλωντήρι
(2017-12-07) -
Με μήνυσε η αγάπη μου
(2017-12-06) -
Με μύνησε η π' αγαπώ
(2017-12-20) -
Με τετρακόσιοι μάστοροι.
(2017-12-20) -
Μια προσταγή μεγάλη προστάζει ο βασιλιάς.