Browsing Αρχείο Ελληνικής Παραδοσιακής Μουσικής "Δημήτρης Θέμελης" = Archives of Greek Traditional Music "Dimitris Themelis" by Title
Now showing items 7-26 of 94
Maliheri pukaja
(2017-10-11) -
Misicina Jocgoran (Maru le).
(2016-06-13) -
Oj pile bre glasovito.
(2017-09-26) -
Oj puska pukne gorno Rodivo.
(2017-09-26) -
Oj puska pukne gorno Rodivo.
(2017-10-11) -
Oj puska pukne gorno Rodivo.
(2017-09-26) -
Para berit kiselec.
(2016-06-13) -
Tri gudini Jarmasani.
(2016-06-14) -
Tri gudini Jarmasani.
(2016-06-14) -
Tri gudini Jarmasani.
(2016-06-14) -
Άγιος Βασίλης έρχεται
(2017-12-06) -
Άγιος Γιάννη μου = Agio Gianni mou
(Κατσανεβάκη, Αθηνά, 2021-01-10) -
Αμπέλι μου στραβόραδο.
(2016-06-08)The words of this song conjure up the characteristic landscape of Ikaria, with its vine-dotted slopes, rainy Mesaria, the storms that batter the mountainous region of Athera, and the sunbathed coastal village of Evdhilos, ... -
(2017-12-08) -
Ανήμερα την Πασχαλιά και στον καλό του λόγο.
(2016-06-02) -
Απελπισία με πιάνει όταν σε δω.
(2016-11-25) -
Αφ' ότου απεφάσισα.
(2016-06-09)This song is strophic in composition. The melody is divided into two units, the second serving as a refrain. The first unit covers the first four fifteen syllable iambic lines, and uses the diatonic hexachord based on D. ... -
Αχ τίτετ' ο Γιάννης τίτεται.
(2017-12-20) -
Διώξες με βρε μάνα, διώξες με κι έγω θέλω να φύγω.